SCSI Commands: 43BSECURITY PROTOCOL IN Page 193If the currently-loaded volume does not support encryption or if no volume is loaded,then the fields of the Next Block Encryption Status page shall have the followingvalues:Field ValuePAGE LENGTH 000ChLOGICAL OBJECT NUMBER 0hENCRYPTION STATUS 0hCOMPRESSION STATUS 0hALGORITHM INDEX 00hKEY-ASSOCIATED DATA DESCRIPTORS No descriptors returned3.31.11Random Number pageThe Random Number page reports a 32-byte random number generated by thedrive.ByteBits7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)1 PAGE CODE (0030h) (LSB)2 (MSB)3 PAGE LENGTH (0020h) (LSB)4 (MSB)35 RANDOM NUMBER (LSB) Random Number Field DescriptionsField Bytes Bits DescriptionRANDOMNUMBER4-35 A random number calculated by the device server using a sourceof entropy available within the device. Each request for theRandom Number page shall return a different value in the RandomNumber field.3.31.13Device Server Key Wrapping Public Key pageThe Device Server Key Wrapping Public Key page may be used by an applicationclient to read the device server’s key wrapping public key.ByteBits7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)1 PAGE CODE (0031h) (LSB)2 (MSB)3 PAGE LENGTH (n-3) (LSB)4 (MSB)7 PUBLIC KEY TYPE (LSB)8 (MSB)11 PUBLIC KEY FORMAT (LSB)