SCSI Commands: 42BREWIND Page 1823.30 REWINDThe REWIND command requests that the medium be positioned to the Beginning OfTape (BOM). Prior to performing the rewind operation, the buffered data andfilemarks are written to the tape and an EOD marker is recorded. The rewindoperation is done at high speed.3.30.1 REWIND Command Descriptor BlockByteBits7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 Operation Code (01h)1 Ignored LUN Reserved IMMED2 Reserved3 Reserved4 Reserved5 Control3.30.1.1 REWIND Command Field DescriptionsField Bytes Bits DescriptionOperationCode0 The Operation code for REWIND is 01h.IgnoredLogicalUnit1 5-7 The LUN field is vestigial from the SCSI-1 standard and isignored.IMMED 1 0 Immediate bit:0 = Status is not returned until the rewind operation hascompleted.1 = Status is returned as soon as all buffered data and filemarkshave been written to the medium and the REWIND CDB hasbeen validated.Reserved All reserved bits must be 0.Control 5 See SCSI Command Control Byte Format on page 25.If Check Condition status is returned from REWIND command with the IMMED bitset to one, then the rewind operation is not performed.3.30.2 REWIND Completion StatusCode Message Description00h GoodStatus• The drive is ready to perform any appropriate command.• The drive remains in any previously set mode.• The tape position is BOM (if not an immediate command).Note: If IMMED is one, then Good Status only indicates that all buffered dataand filemarks have been written to the medium and that the REWIND CDB isvalid.