SCSI Commands: 36BREPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER Page 1583.24 REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIERThe host uses this command to retrieve the Device Identifier. The Device Identifier isset using the SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER command and shall persist through powercycles.3.24.1 REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER Command Descriptor BlockThe following table shows the layout of the CDB.ByteBits7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 Operation Code (A3h)1 Ignored LUN Service Action (05h)2 Reserved3 Reserved4 Reserved5 Reserved6 (MSB)789Allocation Length(LSB)10 Reserved11 Control3.24.1.1 REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER Command FieldDescriptionsField Bytes Bits DescriptionOperationCode0 The Operation code for REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER is A3h.IgnoredLogical Unit1 5-7 The LUN field is vestigial from the SCSI-1 standard and isignored.ServiceAction1 0-4 The Service Action field is 05h and identifies the function to beperformed under the more general command functionspecified in the operation code.AllocationLength6-9 Specifies the amount of data to be returned, in bytes.Reserved All reserved bits must be 0.Control 11 See SCSI Command Control Byte Format on page REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER DataThe following data is returned by the REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER command.ByteBits7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)3 Identifier Length (n-3) (LSB)4n Identifier