SCSI Commands: 21BLOG SENSE Page 543.9.5 Write Error Counters Log Page (02h)The Write Error Counters Log Page records write errors. The parameters on thispage can be reset to zero with the LOG SELECT command.Page Code Page Length02h 38hParameter Description Length0 Errors corrected without substantial delay 41 Errors corrected with possible delay. 42 Total rewrites. (Sum of Parameter 0003 and Parameter 0006) 43 Total errors corrected. This is total write retries less total unrecoverable writeerrors. (Parameter 0004 minus Parameter 0006, this is also the sum ofParameter 0000 and Parameter 0001)44 Total times error correction processed. This is the total number of writeretries.45 Total bytes processed. This is the total data sets written. 46 Total uncorrected errors. This is the total unrecoverable write errors. 4