SAMSUNG ProgrammingDCS-816 February, 1999MMC 607 (Page 1 of 2)MMC: 607 UCD OPTIONSDESCRIPTION:Allows the UCD group assigned in MMC 601 to have more specific values forseveral attributes. If UCD GROUP has not been programmed in the system, youmay be presented with a warning and not allowed to enter this MMC.NOTE: Can be made UCD group no. 507~509.OPTIONDIAL 0 FIRST MSG on AA card when all agents are unable to answer calls.DIAL 1 SECOND MSG on AA card when all agents are unable to answer calls.DIAL 2 EXIT CODE – routes the queued call to the Final Destination assignedin this MMC.DIAL 3 RETRY COUNT – SECOND MSG will be cycled with MOH till thiscounter is reached.DIAL 4 FINAL DESTINATION – if the call is not answered by the time RETRYCOUNT is reached, it will be routed over this destination. If you pressthe 19th programmable button on a 24B keyset you can enter an AAPlan number.DIAL 5 RING NEXT TIME – specifies how long ringing at an agent will last.After this time, ringing stops, the agent is logged–out from the groupand ringing starts at the next idle agent.DIAL 6 UCD RECALL TIME – determines length of MOH between MSGs. Thisis disabled if set to zero.DIAL 7 MOH SOURCE – specifies MOH source to be presented to the caller.DIAL 8 WRAP–UP TIME – no calls are presented during this time.DIAL 9 AUTO LOGOUT – when no answer, logout automatically and transfernext member.RANGEFIRST MSG: 01 – 64SECOND MSG: 01 – 64EXIT CODE: NONE, 0–9, *, #RETRY COUNT: 00 – 99FINAL DEST: NONE, STATION, STATION GRP, AA PLAN NO(01-12)RING NEXT TIME: 00 – 99 secUCD RECALL TIME: 00 – 99 secMOH SOURCE: TONE, NONE, 371.WRAP–UP TIME: 000 – 250 secAUTO LOGOUT: YES/NO