SAMSUNG ProgrammingDCS-816 February, 1999MMC 404 (Page 1 of 2)MMC: 404 TRUNK NAMEDESCRIPTION:Allows a name (up to 11 characters) to be entered to identify an individual trunk.Names are written using the keypad. Each press of a key selects a character.Press the desired key to move the cursor to the next position. For example, if thedirectory name is “SAM SMITH,” press the number “7” four times to get the letter“S.” Now press the number “2” once to get the letter “A.” Continue selectingcharacters from the table below to complete your message. Pressing the “A” keychanges the letter from upper case to lower case.NOTEWhen the character you want appears on the same dial pad key as the previous character, pressthe UP key to move the cursor to the right or the DOWN key to move the cursor left. A space canbe entered by using these keys.COUNT 1 2 3 4 5DIAL 0 < > . ) 0DIAL 1 Space ? , ! 1DIAL 2 A B C @ 2DIAL 3 D E F # 3DIAL 4 G H I $ 4DIAL 5 J K L % 5DIAL 6 M N O ^ 6DIAL 7 P Q R S 7DIAL 8 T U V Q 8DIAL 9 W X Y Z 9DIAL Q : = [ ] QThe # key can be used for special characters: #, space, &, !, :, ?, ., %, $, –, <, >, /,=, [, ], @, ^, (, ), _, +, {, }, |, ;, \, " and ~.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through options/move cursor left or rightKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryA Key 19; acts as toggle between upper case and lower caseACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 404Display shows [701] TRUNK NAME2. Dial trunk (e.g., 704)ORPress UP or DOWN to select trunk and pressRIGHT soft key to move the cursor[704] TRUNK NAME