SAMSUNG System Administration and Special Features GuideDCS-816 February, 19993 - 12press the right soft key to move the cursor6. Enter the messages using the procedure in ProgramStation Names (above) and press the right soft key to[205] ALM REM (2)TAKE MEDICATIONreturn to step 27. Press TRSF to store and exit programmingOR press SPK to store and advance to the nextprogram3.13 MANAGING KEY ASSIGNMENTSYou can view station key assignments and add extenders to some of the programmablekeys for easy one-touch operation of frequently-used features.An extender is a number that makes an otherwise general soft key very specific. Addingthe digit 4 to a PAGE key defines this key for paging zone four. Adding 205 to a directedpickup key defines this key as pickup for extension 205 only. The soft key must already beassigned by the installing technician. Adding extenders allows one-touch operation for thatfeature.Use this program to assign extenders to the following soft keys:KEY EXTENDERBOSS Boss and Secretary (1-4)DP Direct Pickup (telephone no.)DS Direct Station Select (station no.)FWD Call Forward (0-5)GPIK Group Pick-Up (01-08)IOG In/Out of Group (500-509)MMPG Meet Me Page (0-5, Q)PAGE Page (0-5, Q)SPD Speed Dial (00-49, 500-799)PSMG Programmed Message (01-20)DIR SYS(0), PERS(1) or STN(2)SP UCD Supervise (UCD group no.)PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Select the extension number.KEYPAD Used to enter extender codes.HOLD Used to clear the displayed data.Open customer programming and follow the instructions below.