SAMSUNG System Administration and Special Features GuideDCS-816 February, 19993 - 1PART 3. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR PROGRAMMING3.1 CUSTOMER-LEVEL ACCESSBefore any customer programs can be accessed, you must first open systemprogramming using the passcode you have been assigned. This must be done using anLCD 24B keyset. Should it become necessary to change this passcode, ask yourinstallation and service company.• While your handset is on-hook, press TRSF and then dial 200.• The display shows [ENABLE CUS. PROG. PASSCODE].• Dial the four-digit passcode.• The display shows [ENABLE CUS. PROG. - DISABLE].• Dial 1 to enable.• The display shows [ENABLE CUS. PROG - ENABLE].• Press TRSF. The keyset returns to its idle condition.• Now press TRSF and the three-digit program code you want to access. Follow theinstructions for that program.NOTE: You must begin programming within 30 seconds. Once you start programming,any delay of more than 30 seconds between key strokes will cause the system toautomatically close programming.3.2 SET DATE AND TIME DISPLAYShould it ever become necessary to correct the date and time displayed on all of thekeysets, do so as soon as you notice that they are incorrect. Automatic Night Service willnot work correctly and SMDR records will be of no value if the date and time are notcorrect.The display format is as follows:W Day of the week, 0-6 enter 0 for Sunday and 6 for SaturdayMM Month, 01-12 enter 01 for January and 12 for DecemberDD Day of the month enter a number in the range 01-31.YY Year enter the last two digits of the year, e.g. 98.HH Hours use the 24-hour clock and enter a number in therange 00-24.MM Minutes enter a number in the range 00-59.Failure to enter the time using the 24-hour clock will cause the date to change at 12:00P.M. Open customer programming and follow the instructions below.OPERATION1. Press TRSF 505Display showsOLD: 1060198:1220NEW: MMDDYY:HHMM2. Enter new time and date using above table OLD: 1060198:1220NEW: 2070798:1545