1 – 92Chapter 1 TroubleshootingFIP3.11 SOLENOID ASSY GATEStep Check Yes NoPossible causes:SOLENOID ASSY GATE (PL23.1.27) PWBA OCT (PL23.1.22)HARNESS ASSY OCT2 (PL23.1.25)HVPS/MCU (PL12.1.19)HARNESS ASSY OCT1 (PL12.1.26)1Checking SOLENOID ASSY GATENot using DIAG tool: Replace SOLENOID ASSY GATE.(RRP23.9)Is the problem cleared?End of work Go to step 4.Using DIAG tool: Is the feed-switching operation ofSOLENOID ASSY GATE correctly?Check using Chapter 2 Diagnostic [Option DirectionTest].Go to step 2. Go to step 3.2 Is the problem cleared? End of work Go to FIP3.8PWBA OCT.3Checking SOLENOID ASSY GATEReplace SOLENOID ASSY GATE. (RRP23.9)Is the problem cleared?End of work Go to step 4.4Checking HARNESS ASSY OCT2 for continuityDisconnect P/J70 on PWBA OCT.Remove HARNESS ASSY OCT2.Is there continuity between J70 and J3070?Go to step 5.Replace HAR-NESS ASSYOCT2.5Checking HARNESS ASSY OCT1 for continuityRemove HARNESS ASSY OCT1.Is there continuity between J30 and J3070?Go to step 6.Replace HAR-NESS ASSYOCT1.6Checking PWBA OCTReplace PWBA OCT. (RRP23.7)Is the problem cleared?End of work Replace HVPS/MCU. (RRP12.10)