1 – 22Chapter 1 TroubleshootingFIP1.9 Paper Jam/Tray to RegiStep Check Yes NoPossible causes:150 FEEDER ASSY (PL5.1.1)150 PAPER CASSETTE (PL2.1.50)SENSOR REGI (PL5.1.30)ACTUATOR B (PL5.1.17)CHUTE ASSY FDR1 (PL5.1.3)HVPS/MCU (PL12.1.19)LVPS (PL12.1.5)CHUTE ASSY FDR2 (PL7.1.21, PL20.2.2)CLUTCH ASSY PH (PL5.1.21, PL7.1.20, PL20.2.21)ROLL ASSY RETARD (PL2.1.2, PL4.1.2, PL20.3.2)CLUTCH PR-REGI (PL20.2.22)550 FEEDER OPION (PL20.2.1)550 FEEDER ASSY (PL7.1.10)550 PAPER CASSETTE (PL4.1.50)1Checking the paper size setup.Does the paper size in use match the size setup byGUIDE ASSY END or by the driver on the PC?Go to step 2.Replace the paper,or change thepaper size setup.2 Does Error occur when the power is turned ON? Go to step 3. Go to step 5.3Checking the paper at ACTUATOR B.Does the paper remain at ACTUATOR B of SENSORREGI?Remove thepaper, and go tostep 4.Go to FIP1.28SENSOR REGI.4 Does Error occur when the power is turned ON? Go to FIP1.28SENSOR REGI. Go to step 5.5Checking ROLL ASSY RETARD.Is ROLL ASSY RETARD not damaged, and installedcorrectly?Check the operation of it assembled each Paper Cas-sette.Go to step 6.Replace ROLLASSY RETARD(RRP2.1, 4.1,20.17)6Run a test print.Does Error occur, when the test printing is performedwith the paper supplied from the Tray 1 or Tray 2?With the Option 550 Paper Feeder is installed, doesError occur, when the test printing is performed with thepaper supplied from the Tray 3 or Tray 4?Check using Chapter 2 Diagnostic [TEST PATTERNMODE MENU].Go to step 7. End of work7Checking the paper positionRemove EP CARTRIDGE.Does the front end of paper touch Actuator B of SEN-SOR REGI?Go to step 8. Go to FIP1.28SENSOR REGI.8Checking a tray feeding the paperWhen running a test print, is the paper supplied fromTray 1 or Tray 2?With tool Go tostep 9. Withouttool Go to step10.Go to step 11.9Checking CLUTCH ASSY PH for operationDoes CLUTCH ASSY PH operate normally?Check using Chapter 2 Diagnostic [Tray1/2 FeedClutch Test].Go to step 11.Go to FIP1.39CLUTCH ASSYPH.