1 – 33Chapter 1 TroubleshootingFIP1.18 No PowerStep Check Yes NoPossible causes:POWER CORD (PL12.1.23)LVPS (PL12.1.5)HVPS/MCU (PL12.1.19)OPERATION PANEL (PL1.1.1)HARNESS ASSY PANEL (PL1.1.10)INTERLOCK S/W 24V (PL8.1.11)INTERLOCK S/W 5V (PL8.1.12)INTERLOCK S/W REAR (PL12.1.7)FAN MAIN (PL1.1.14)FAN SUB (PL8.1.5)ROS ASSY (PL8.1.1)FUSER ASSY (PL8.1.20)GEAR ASSY HOUSING (PL11.1.3)MAIN MOTOR (PL11.1.2)CLUTCH REGI (PL5.1.23)PWBA ESS (PL12.1.13)PWBA FEEDER 550 (PL20.1.34)PWBA DUPLEX (PL21.1.32)CLUTCH ASSY PH (PL5.1.21, PL7.1.20, PL20.2.21)CLUTCH PR-REGI (PL20.2.22)1 Checking POWER CORD for continuity Is each cable ofPOWER CORD continuous? Go to step 2. Replace POWERCORD.2Checking AC power sourceDoes the voltage of AC power source meet commercialvoltage?Go to step 3.Ask the customerto arrange the ACpower source.3Checking the fuse Remove SHIELD PLATE LVPS(PL12.1.3). (RRP12.1)Is the fuse on LVPS open?Replace LVPS.(RRP12.3) Go to step 4.4Checking Option 550 Paper Feeder (PL20)Do two fans rotate, when the power is turned ON?Remove Option 550 Paper Feeder to check.Go to FIP4.7,8PWBA FEEDER550,FIP1.39 CLUTCHASSY PH, andFIP4.12 CLUTCHPR-REGI.Go to step 5.5Checking Option Duplex (PL21)Do two fans rotate, when the power is turned ON?Remove Option Duplex to check.Go to FIP2.8PWBA DUPLEX,and FIP2.9MOTORDUPLEX.Go to step 6.6Checking 24 V power lineRemove SHIELD PLATE HVPS (PL12.1.18).Check if P/J10 is connected to HVPS/MCU.Remove EP CARTRIDGE.Check each of the following for 24VDC.P/J10-1(+) and P/J10-4(-)P/J10-2(+) and P/J10-5(-)P/J10-3(+) and P/J10-6(-)P/J10-8(+) and P/J10-7(-)Go to step 7. Go to FIP1.24LVPS.