1 – 101Chapter 1 TroubleshootingFIP4.4 No Recognition of Option 550 Paper FeederThe description below is on the assumption that Option 550 Paper Feeder's are installed to Tray3 and Tray 4.Step Check Yes NoPossible causes: LVPS (PL12.1.5)HVPS/MCU (PL12.1.19)PWBA FEEDER 550 (PL20.1.34)HARNESS ASSY FDR2 (PL20.1.5)HARNESS ASSY FDR5 (PL20.1.26)1Checking HARNESS ASSY FDR2 of Feeder equivalentto Tray 3 for continuityRemove Option 550 Paper Feeder.Disconnect P/J2083.Is there continuity between each of the following?J2083-1 and J83-10J2083-2 and J83-9J2083-3 and J83-8J2083-4 and J83-7J2083-5 and J83-6Go to FIP4.6, 4.7PWBA FEEDER550. Go to step 2,when Tray 4 isnot recognized.Replace HAR-NESS ASSYFDR2.2Checking HARNESS ASSY FDR5 of Feeder equivalentto Tray 3 for continuityRemove Option 550 Paper Feeder.Disconnect P/J84 from PWBA FEEDER 550.Is there continuity between each of the following?J84-1 and J8483-10J84-2 and J8483-9J84-3 and J8483-8J84-4 and J8483-7J84-5 and J8483-6Go to step 3.Replace HAR-NESS ASSYFDR5.3Checking HARNESS ASSY FDR2 of Feeder equivalentto Tray 4 for continuityRemove Option 550 Paper Feeder.Disconnect P/J8483.Is there continuity between each of the following?J8483-1 and J83-10J8483-2 and J83-9J8483-3 and J83-8J8483-4 and J83-7J8483-5 and J83-6Go to FIP4.6, 4.7PWBA FEEDER550.Replace HAR-NESS ASSYFDR2.