102 CoDeSys 2.3 Runtime EnvironmentWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O-IPC-C10E, CANopen Master11.5.8 CoDeSys VisualizationThe CoDeSys Web visualization is based on Java technology. All Java programsrequire a Java runtime environment (JRE), which must be installed on the host PCalong with an Internet browser. An applet (Java program) is created in the filesystem of a web server and made accessible through an HTML home page.You create all visualization variants (HMI, Web visualization, and targetvisualization) with the same CoDeSys graphic editor. You define whichvisualization variants should be executed in the target system setting. For each ofthese pages a description file in the XML format is generated using theinformation. You can find these files in the subfolder "visu" of the CoDeSysinstallation path. There is also the HTML start page "WebVisu.htm", the Javaarchive "webVisu.jar" in which the applet (webvisu.class) is stored in compressedform.After creating a visualization, the following steps are necessary so that you canexecute it:1. Click on the "Resources" tab and open the "Target Settings." Select whetheryou want the visualization to be displayed as "Web visualization" via anInternet browser and/or as "target visualization" via a monitor connected tothe DVI-I interface.Figure 56: Selection of the visualization variants in the target setting.