204 I/O ModulesWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O-IPC-C10E, CANopen Master18.2.5 Specialty ModulesIn addition to the data bytes, the control/status byte is also displayed for selectmodules. This byte is used for the bi-directional data exchange of the I/O modulewith the higher-level control system.The control byte controls the moduleís behavior and operation. The status bytereports the moduleís status. It is possible to set the counter with the control byte orindicate a range overflow/underflow with the status byte.Information The special configuration of the respective control/status byte can be foundin the accompanying description of the I/O module. A manual with thedetailed description of each module can be found on the Internet at:http://www.wago.com.Counter Modules750-404 (and all variants except /000-005), 753-404 (and variants /000-003)In the input and output process image, counter modules occupy 5 bytes of userdata: 4 data bytes and 1 additional control/status byte. The module provides 32-bitcounter values. Three words are assigned in the process image via wordalignment.Input Process ImageByte DesignationOffset High Byte Low Byte Note0 - S Status byte1 D1 D02 D3 D2 Counter valueOutput Process ImageByte DesignationOffset High Byte Low Byte Note0 - C Control byte1 D1 D02 D3 D2 Counter setting value