130 CANopen Master in CoDeSys 2.3WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O-IPC-C10E, CANopen Master12.3.5 Performing Device Diagnostics via DiagGetState()If the bus diagnostics have revealed that an I/O module contains diagnosticinformation, then conduct participant diagnostics on the corresponding slave. Todo this, proceed as follows:1. Call up the function block DiagGetState() by setting the input ENABLE to"True."2. Specify the slave that provides the diagnostic information at the inputvariable BUSMEMBERID. In this example it is the slave with the fieldbusaddress 5.Figure 86: Diagnostics call DiagGetState()ï DRIVERNAME:The input parameter DRIVERNAME is specified through the instance data ofthe function block DiagGetBusState.ï DEVICENUMBER:The DEVICENUMBER for the I/O-IPC must always be 4.5