50 I/O-IPC Start-UpWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O-IPC-C10E, CANopen Master8.3 Setting Up an IP AddressTo set up communication between a PC and an I/O-IPC, each of the devices mustbe able to send data to the other. So that this data arrives at the correct destinationdevice, the destination device must be uniquely addressed. This is done in IPnetworks with an IP address.The I/O-IPC can obtain its IP address dynamically (DHCP/BootP) from a serveror be provided with a static IP address. In contrast to fixed IP addresses,dynamically assigned addresses are not stored permanently. Therefore, thepresence of a BootP or DHCP server is necessary each time the I/O-IPC isrestarted.In the condition as supplied to the customer, the Bootstrap Protocol (BootP) isactivated for the I/O-IPC's X8 Ethernet interface for the dynamic assignment ofthe IP address. The X9 Ethernet interface is set at delivery to the fixed IP address192.168.2.17.Via the Web-Based Management (Section 9.1.3) and the Linux console (Section8.3.2) of the I/O-IPC, you can adjust the IP addresses of the X8 and X9 Ethernetinterfaces to your LAN.NoteYou cannot assign IP addresses for both Ethernet interfaces in the same subnet.Neither can you do this with the BootP or DHCP server.