Linux 157WAGO I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O-IPC-C10E, CANopen Master14.3.1.3 Access over DVI-I and USB InterfaceIn order to access the Linux console over a monitor connected to the DVI-Iinterface and a USB keyboard, proceed as follows:1. Connect a monitor to the DVI-I interface X7 (9) of theI/O-IPC.2. Connect a USB keyboard to one of the two USB interfacesX10 (1) or X11 (2).RSTStopRunU1IDE/PWRIOERRSTARDYRUNU2Figure 110: DVI-I interface X7 and USB interfaces X10/113. After starting Linux, the starting image of the target visualization appears onthe monitor.4. Using [Alt] + [F2] on the connected keyboard, change over to the Linuxconsole.5. Enter your user name (see Section 14.3.1).6. Enter the password for your user name. The Linux console of the I/O-IPCopens in the HOME directory ( ~) of the selected user.1. Linux Console 2. Linux Console 3. Linux ConsoleTarget visualization Linux IPC configuration tool[Alt] + [F1] [Alt] + [F2] [Alt] + [F3]You can display the Linux start messages again through cat /proc/kmsg (ordmesg).129