124 •Main Menu XEROX WIDE FORMAT COPY SYSTEMThe CLEAR SCANNER FAULT LOG option is for use by the CustomerService Engineer only and requires the entry of the diagnostic password.It allows the Customer Service Engineer to erase the contents of theScanner Fault Log.If you select this option, the CLEAR SCANNER FAULT LOG screen isdisplayed. You cannot perform any functions in this screen. Press theExit key to return to the SCANNER DIAGNOSTICS menu screen.Below is an illustration of the CLEAR SCANNER FAULT LOG screen.CLEAR SCANNER FAULT LOGWARNING: THIS FUNCTIONDESTROYS ALL LOG MESSAGESEXECUTE: NOThe CLEAR CAL ZONE (Clear Calibration Zone) provides the user witha quick way to move the Calibration Motor to the cleaning position. Thereare two selections CLEANING POSITION AND HOME POSITION.CLEAN CAL ZONEPOSITION: CLEANING POSITIONThe COMPONENT TESTS option of the SCANNER DIAGNOSTICSmenu provides a sub-menu of the following menu choices:• MOTOR SPEED - Enables the Customer Service Engineer toadjust the Scanner motor speed and correct magnification errorsin the process direction. The diagnostic password is required forthis function.• LEAD EDGE/TRAIL EDGE - Enables you to execute the leadedge/trail edge diagnostic.• SENSORS - Enables you to display the current state of theScanner optical paper sensors and the thick document sensor.• MOTOR COMMUNICATIONS - Enables a document motorcommunications loopback test to assist in diagnosing a scannerproblem.• DOCUMENT MOTOR - Enables you to stop and start thedocument handler motor.CLEAR SCANNERFAULT LOGCLEAN CAL ZONECOMPONENT TESTS