140 • Problem solving XEROX WIDE FORMAT COPY SYSTEMProblem solvingProblem solvingThis section contains a problem-solving table and an error message table forhelp in resolving problems with the WIDE FORMAT SCAN SYSTEM.Identify the problem you are experiencing and follow the step(s) indicated in thetable for fixing the problem. If the procedures do not restore normal Scanneroperation, call for service.For help in solving problems with the Printer or the Printer media, refer to theapplicable Printer Operator Manual.Table 7. Problem Solving TableProblem First solution to try Second solution totryThirdsolution totryPower onThe Exposure Lamp doesnot illuminate when theScanner is switched on.Ensure that the Power Cord is connectedto the Scanner and to the correct powersource.Check that the PowerOn/Off Switch is in theon (I) position.Call forServiceThe Scanner Control Panelcontinuously displays aclock face and the Systemdoes not initialize.Ensure that the IEEE 1394 cable isconnected to both the Scanner and theController. Check that the cable was notforced in the connector incorrectlyEnsure that the DDSoption is set toEnabled.NOTE: For the8825/8830 Printer,you can change thissetting from either theCONTROLLERCONFIGURATIONscreen of the PrinterControl Panel or thePRINTERSETUP/Miscellaneouspage of the Web PMT.After the DDS is set toenabled, wait 30seconds, then powerthe system off then on(rebooted).For the 721P Printer,