I-Class 47System Settings (continued)PAUSE MODE When enabled, suspends printing betweeneach label until the PAUSE Key is pressed.ENABLED Requires an operator press the PAUSE Keyafter each label.≤DISABLED The printer completes label batch withoutpausing between labels.PEEL MODE Specifies that a Feed operation beprevented when the label is presented andnot removed, or if the printer is to wait forthe GPIO start of print signal.ENABLED Feed is inhibited according to the abovecriteria.≤DISABLED Feed is always enabled.SECURITY ♦ Provides the user with the ability topassword protect all printer settings madethrough the front panel.SELECT SECURITY Enable or disable the menu system’ssecurity feature.ENABLED Password protected.≤DISABLED No protection.MODIFY PASSWORD Modify the password required to access themenu system when security is enabled.UNITS OF MEASURE Selects the measurement system in whichthe system’s settings are represented in themenu system and on configuration labels.METRIC Metric standard: lengths given inmillimeters and counters in centimeters.≤IMPERIAL Inch standard: lengths and counters givenin inches.INPUT MODE Defines the type of printer language.≤DPL Standard DPL processing.LINE Standard DPL processing with additionLine mode Template processing enabled.Line Mode exacts data terminated by acarriage return to be inserted in a DPLtemplate and printed.