52 I-ClassSystem Settings (continued)VOID DISTANCE≤0.25in (0-2.00)The distance to backup on the defectivelabel and the font size in which to print theVOID text.RETRY COUNT≤1 (0-3)Establishes the number of retries the printerwill attempt to reprint a defective label afterit has been voided. If the last label printedhas been voided, it will be reprinted aftercorrecting the problem. After the last retry,the printer will stop and display a faultmessage.˛ Note: If the CANCEL Key is pressed when theprinter is faulted and the last printed label wasnot completed, the operator has a choice tocancel the reprint of the last label. Subsequentpressing of the CANCEL Key will allow cancelingthe entire label batch.(Pressing the CANCEL Key while the printer isstopped and faulted will indicate whether the lastlabel is waiting to be reprinted. The operator hasa choice to cancel the reprint by pressing theENTER Key or allowing the reprint to take placeby pressing the ESCAPE Key.)