BBooookklleett OOuuttppuutt BBuuttttoonnTo remove finished booklets from the finisher, press the booklet output button.Note: If the SquareFold® Trimmer is installed, when you press the booklet output button, thebooklets move to the booklet tray that is installed on the SquareFold® Trimmer.PPRR FFiinniisshheerr PPlluuss CCoommppoonneennttss1. Finisher Module2. Finisher Module Paper Jam or ErrorIndicators3. Finisher Top Tray4. Finisher Stacker Tray5. Finishing Transport6. Finishing Transport Paper Jam or ErrorIndicators7. Finishing Transport Front Cover8. Finisher Module Front Cover9. Finisher Staple Waste Container10. Finisher Basic Stapler for Side Stitching11. Finisher Hole Punch Waste ContaineroptionNote: For details on the functions of your third-party finishing device, refer to the manual thatwas supplied with the device.390 Xerox® PrimeLink® B9100/B9110/B9125/B9136 Copier/PrinterUser GuideProduction Ready Finishers