CClleeaarriinngg PPaappeerr JJaammss iinn tthhee PPRR FFiinniisshheerrssCClleeaarriinngg PPaappeerr JJaammss ffrroomm FFiinniisshheerr AArreeaa EE111. Open the finisher front cover.2. To remove the jammed paper, do the following:Note: Grasp the leading edge of the jammed sheet of paper, then pull out the sheet.a. Push lever 1a to the left.b. Remove the jammed paper.3. If you have difficulty removing any paper jams, do the following:a. Rotate knob 1b clockwise.404 Xerox® PrimeLink® B9100/B9110/B9125/B9136 Copier/PrinterUser GuideProduction Ready Finishers