EEmmppttyyiinngg tthhee HHoollee PPuunncchh WWaassttee CCoonnttaaiinneerrWhen the hole punch waste container is full, a message appears on the printer control panel. Whenthe message appears, empty the waste container of all paper scraps.Note: Basic Punch is an optional feature. The waste container is present only if the Basic Punchoption is part of your printer configuration.Important:• Before performing this procedure, ensure that the printer is not printing.• Ensure that the printer remains powered on when replacing the staple waste container. Ifpowered off, the printer does not recognize the replacement of the waste container, andthe message remains displayed.• After you replace the waste container, close the finisher front cover. Ensure that the printercan print a test page.1. Open the finisher front cover.2. Pull out R4, then remove it from the printer.400 Xerox® PrimeLink® B9100/B9110/B9125/B9136 Copier/PrinterUser GuideProduction Ready Finishers