SquareFold® Trimmer Module OverviewNote: This optional finishing device requires a Production Ready Booklet Maker Finisher.The SquareFold® Trimmer is an optional finishing device that flattens the spine of a booklet andperforms face trim of the booklet.The SquareFold® Trimmer performs the following tasks:• Receives the booklet from the Booklet Marker area of the Finisher.• Flattens the booklet spine to reduce the booklet thickness and to provide the appearance of aperfect-bound book.• Trims and cuts away the face, that is the edge, of the booklet, which results in a neatly finishededge.The booklet area of the finisher assembles and staples the booklet. The booklet enters theSquareFold® Trimmer already assembled. Ensure that you set any adjustments to the original imageand its placement on the booklet page at the printer server.434 Xerox® PrimeLink® B9100/B9110/B9125/B9136 Copier/PrinterUser GuideSquareFold® Trimmer Module