FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM8-56Fault code No. 24Item O 2 sensor: no normal signals are received from the O 2 sensor.Fail-safe system Able to start engineAble to drive vehicleDiagnostic code No. —Meter display —Procedure —Item Probable cause of mal-function and check Maintenance job Confirmation of servicecompletion1 Installed condition of O2 sen-sor.Improperly installed sensor→ Reinstall or replace thesensor.Start the engine, warm it up,and then race it, or executethe diagnostic mode. (CodeNo. 63)Fault code number is not dis-played → Service is finished.Fault code number is dis-played → Go to item 2.2 Connection of O2 sensorcoupler.Check the locking conditionof the coupler.Disconnect the coupler andcheck the pins (bent or bro-ken terminals and lockingcondition of the pins).Improperly connected →Connect the coupler secure-ly or replace the wire har-ness.Start the engine, warm it up,and then race it, or executethe diagnostic mode. (CodeNo. 63)Fault code number is not dis-played → Service is finished.Fault code number is dis-played → Go to item 3.3 Connection of ECU coupler.Check the locking conditionof the coupler.Disconnect the coupler andcheck the pins (bent or bro-ken terminals and lockingcondition of the pins).Improperly connected →Connect the coupler secure-ly or replace the wire har-ness.Start the engine, warm it up,and then race it, or executethe diagnostic mode. (CodeNo. 63)Fault code number is not dis-played → Service is finished.Fault code number is dis-played → Go to item 4.4 Wire harness continuity. Open or short circuit → Re-place the wire harness.Between O2 sensor couplerand ECU coupler.gray–graypink–pinkBetween O2 sensor couplerand joint coupler.black–blackred–red/blueBetween joint coupler andECU coupler.black/blue–black/bluered/blue–red/blueStart the engine, warm it up,and then race it, or executethe diagnostic mode. (CodeNo. 63)Fault code number is not dis-played → Service is finished.Fault code number is dis-played → Go to item 5.