ELECTRONICALLY ADJUSTABLE SUSPENSION SYSTEM8-1846 Incorrect wiring of wire har-ness.Check the rotary encodersignal lead for incorrect wir-ing.Incorrect wiring → Replacethe wire harness.A. SCU couplerB. Rear shock absorber as-sembly DC motor couplerTurn the main switch to“OFF” and back to “ON”,start the engine, adjust thepreload (solo riding → soloriding and luggage), andthen check whether a faultcode number is displayed.Fault code number is not dis-played → Execute the diag-nostic mode (code No. 84).Service is finished.Fault code number is dis-played → Go to item 7.7 Locate the malfunction in therear shock absorber assem-bly DC motor, SCU, or rearshock absorber assembly.Locate the malfunction.a. Remove the rear shockabsorber assembly.Refer to “REAR SHOCKABSORBER ASSEM-BLY” on page 4-93.b. Remove the rear shockabsorber assembly DCmotor.c. After removing the parts,connect the coupler to therear shock absorber as-sembly DC motor.Turn the main switch to“OFF” and back to “ON”,start the engine, adjust thepreload (solo riding → soloriding and luggage), andthen check whether the mo-tor operates.Motor does not operate →Go to item 8.Motor operates → Go to item11.8 Defective rear shock absorb-er assembly DC motor.Replace the rear shock ab-sorber assembly DC motor.Start the engine, adjust thepreload (solo riding → soloriding and luggage), andthen check whether a faultcode number is displayed.Fault code number is not dis-played → Assemble the mo-tor and rear shock absorberassembly, install the rearshock absorber assembly tothe vehicle, and then executethe diagnostic mode (codeNo. 84). Service is finished.Fault code number is dis-played → Go to item 9.Fault code No. 94ItemPreload adjusting motor (rear shock absorber assembly DCmotor) is locked, rotary encoder signal is not received, encod-er signal is reversed, or motor rotates continuously at a lowspeed during the diagnostic mode (code No. 84 [preload homeposition adjustment]).AGyW RB/LG/R G/RLg/R Lg/RBRGyWB/LLg/RG/R