V-BELT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION5-39EAS30310REMOVING THE PRIMARY SHEAVE1. Remove:• Primary fixed sheave nut “1”• Conical spring washer• One-way clutch• Primary fixed sheave “2”TIPWhile holding the primary fixed sheave with therotor holding tool “3”, loosen the primary fixedsheave nut.EAS30311REMOVING THE SECONDARY SHEAVE1. Remove:• Clutch housing nut “1”• Spacer “2”• Clutch housing “3”TIPWhile holding the clutch housing with the sheaveholder “4”, loosen the clutch housing nut.2. Loosen:• Secondary sheave nut “1”NOTICEECA21820Do not remove the secondary sheave nut atthis stage.TIPWhile holding the secondary sheave with thesheave holder “2”, loosen the secondary sheavenut one full turn with the locknut wrench “3”.EAS30312DISASSEMBLING THE SECONDARYSHEAVE1. Remove:• Secondary sheave nut “1”TIPWhile compressing the compression spring withthe clutch spring holder “2” remove the second-ary sheave nut.Rotor holding tool90890-01235Universal magneto and rotorholderYU-01235Sheave holder90890-01701Primary clutch holderYS-01880-A1232341Sheave holder90890-01701Primary clutch holderYS-01880-ALocknut wrench90890-01348Locknut wrenchYM-01348Clutch spring holder90890-01337Universal clutch compressorholderYM-33285123