SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE9-7EAS31121DIAGNOSTIC CODE: ACTUATOR OPERATION TABLE62 Malfunction history code era-sure• No history 00 —• History exists • Displays the total numberof malfunctions, includingthe current malfunction,that have occurred sincethe history was last erased.(For example, if there havebeen three malfunctions,“03” is displayed.)To erase the history, push thestart switch “ ”.67 ISC (idle speed control)learning condition displayISC (idle speed control)learning data erasure00ISC (idle speed control)learning data has beenerased.01It is not necessary to erasethe ISC (idle speed control)learning data.02It is necessary to erase theISC (idle speed control)learning data.To erase the ISC (idle speedcontrol) learning data, usingthe Yamaha diagnostic tool.70 Control number 0–254 [-] —Diagnosticcode No. Item Actuation Procedure30 Ignition coil Actuates the ignition coil fivetimes at one-second inter-vals.Illuminates the engine trou-ble warning light.Check that a spark is gener-ated five times.• Connect an ignition check-er.36 Injector Actuates the injector fivetimes at one-second inter-vals.Illuminates the engine trou-ble warning light.Check that injector is actuat-ed five times by listening forthe operating sound.52 Headlight relay Actuates the headlight relayfive times at five-second in-tervals. Illuminates the en-gine trouble warning light.Check that the headlight re-lay is actuated five times bylistening for the operatingsound.54 ISC (idle speed control) unit Actuates and fully closes theISC valve, then opens it tothe standby opening positionwhen the engine is started.This operation takes approxi-mately 3 seconds until it iscompleted.The ISC unit vibrates whenthe ISC valve operates.Diagnosticcode No. Item Meter display Procedure