PERIODIC MAINTENANCE3-12WARNINGEWA13540• Use only the designated brake fluid. Otherbrake fluids may cause the rubber seals todeteriorate, causing leakage and poorbrake performance.• Refill with the same type of brake fluid thatis already in the system. Mixing brake fluidsmay result in a harmful chemical reaction,leading to poor brake performance.• When refilling, be careful that water doesnot enter the brake master cylinder reser-voir. Water will significantly lower the boil-ing point of the brake fluid and could causevapor lock.NOTICEECA13540Brake fluid may damage painted surfacesand plastic parts. Therefore, always clean upany spilt brake fluid immediately.EAS30637BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKESYSTEMWARNINGEWA17980Bleed the hydraulic brake system whenever:• the system is disassembled.• a brake hose is loosened, disconnected orreplaced.• the brake fluid level is very low.• the brake operation is faulty.TIP• Be careful not to spill any brake fluid or allowthe brake master cylinder reservoir to overflow.• When bleeding the hydraulic brake system,make sure there is always enough brake fluidbefore applying the brake. Ignoring this pre-caution could allow air to enter the hydraulicbrake system, considerably lengthening thebleeding procedure.• If bleeding is difficult, it may be necessary to letthe brake fluid settle for a few hours. Repeatthe bleeding procedure when the tiny bubblesin the hose have disappeared.1. Bleed:• Front hydraulic brake system▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼▼▼a. Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to theproper level with the specified brake fluid.b. Install the diaphragm (brake master cylinderreservoir).c. Connect a clear plastic hose “1” tightly to thebleed screw “2”.d. Place the other end of the hose into a con-tainer.e. Slowly apply the brake several times.f. Fully pull the brake lever and hold it in posi-tion.g. Loosen the bleed screw.TIPLoosening the bleed screw will release the pres-sure and cause the brake lever to contact thethrottle grip.h. Tighten the bleed screw, and then releasethe brake lever.i. Repeat steps (e) to (h) until all of the air bub-bles have disappeared from the brake fluid inthe plastic hose.j. Tighten the bleed screw to specification.A. Front brakeB. Rear brakeaAaB12