3-58CHECKING AND LUBRICATING THE CABLES/LUBRICATING THE LEVERS AND PEDALS/LUBRICATING THE SIDESTAND/LUBRICATING THE REAR SUSPENSIONCHKADJWARNINGNOTE:EB304200CHECKING AND LUBRICATING THECABLESThe following procedure applies to all of thecable sheaths and cables.Damaged cable sheaths may cause thecable to corrode and interfere with its move-ment. Replace damaged cable sheaths andcables as soon as possible.1. Check: cable sheathDamage Replace.2. Check: cable operationRough movement Lubricate.Recommended lubricantEngine oil or a suitable cablelubricantHold the cable end upright and pour a few dropsof lubricant into the cable sheath or use a suit-able lubing device.EB304210LUBRICATING THE LEVERS AND PEDALSLubricate the pivoting point and metal-to-metalmoving parts of the levers and pedals.Recommended lubricantLithium soap base greaseEB304220LUBRICATING THE SIDESTANDLubricate the pivoting point and metal-to-metalmoving parts of the sidestand.Recommended lubricantLithium soap base greaseEB304240LUBRICATING THE REAR SUSPENSIONLubricate the pivoting point and metal-to-metalmoving parts of the rear suspension.Recommended lubricantLithium soap base grease