IOLMaster 700 Parts Removal Replacement3.3 Computer Base3.3.1 Computer Base CoversPrecondition: The instrument has been shut down and all cables have been removed.Procedure:1) Remove the two screws (Torx 10) from thecover (operator side) of the computer base.2) Gently remove the cover by pulling downand away from the computer base.3) Remove the power fuse (refer to User manualfor detailed instructions).4) Place the instrument so that the side hangsover the edge of the table. Ensure that thereis enough room to allow the side cover to beremoved without being blocked by the table.5) Gently pull the two tabs downwards andremove the cover by pulling away fromcomputer base. A slotted screwdriver canassist in freeing the tabs.6) Repeat steps 4) and 5) for the other sidecover.Reassembly:1) Reassemble in the reverse order, observingthe following:2) When mounting the cover (operator side)slide into the upper position paying attentionto not damage the plastic handles.Fig. 28 – Computer Base CoversFig. 29 - Room for side cover removalScrewsTabsSM-30-4060 Confidential and Proprietary Service ManualVersion 03, 2014-10-13 3 - 13 Order No. 2075-325