IOLMaster 700 Troubleshooting Error Codes5.2 Error codesThe error code list will be gradually filled with appropriate actions to resolve the errors. Some errorscan be eliminated by restarting the device. A HAL error may indicate an error in the measurementhead.5.2.1 HAL Error CodesError Code Error description Error Correction1000The HAL-worker-thread or one of thecommunication threads has beenaborted rude. This can occur only duringDispose if the concernedthread does not respond to theappropriate stop-request.This error code is handled internally bethe HAL and should neverarrive in the application.1001Internal error. Usually caused by aprogramming error (e.g. cast-error) orif some expected prerequisite is notfullfilled (e.g. missing RAM-disk)1002An unexpected exception occured (e.g.system-error).The origin exception is provided asInnerException of the HalExcep1tion.1003Differences between the local- and thehead- device settings.A error in the configuration-settings hasbeen detected, e.g. a mandatorysettings-value is missing or is out of thedefined range.Retrieve device information with use-caseS101 of the IOLMaster 700 Service Tool.Differences between the device settings ofthe computer base and the measurementhead can be corrected with use-case S301or S401.1004A HidDeviceException has been catchedand rethrown as HalException.The origin exception is provided asInnerException of the HalException.This error can occur, if Read/Write to theUSB-device failed.1005The detected firmware-version of thedevice-head is too old.Update device head firmware with use-case S105 of the IOL Master 700 ServiceTool.1006A communication-error to the device-head has been detected, e.g.wrong checksum, wrong frame,undefined status-values.Retrieve device information with use-caseS101 of the IOLMaster 700 Service Tool.1007The device-head has detected andreported a hardware-failure, e.g.temperature exceeds a critical limit.- Check the function of the measurementhead fan- Check the laser power sensor1008The Microcontroller rejected a commandbecause the command or oneof its parameter is not valid, not allowedat this time or currentlynot supported. This error is reported via aNAK-quitation to a command.SM-30-4060 Confidential and Proprietary Service ManualVersion 03, 2014-10-13 5 - 3 Order No. 2075-325