ROASTING (°C) (min)Roast pork 180 65 - 8010.5 BakingFor the first baking, use the lowertemperature.You can extend the baking time by 10 –15 minutes if you bake cakes on morethan one shelf position.Cakes and pastries at different heightsdo not always brown equally. There is noneed to change the temperature setting ifan unequal browning occurs. Thedifferences equalize during baking.Trays in the oven can distort duringbaking. When the trays are cold again,the distortions disappear.10.6 Tips on bakingBaking results Possible cause RemedyThe bottom of the cakeis not baked sufficiently.The shelf position is incor‐rect.Put the cake on a lower shelf.The cake sinks and be‐comes soggy or streaky.The oven temperature is toohigh.Next time set slightly lower oventemperature.The oven temperature is toohigh and the baking time istoo short.Next time set a longer baking timeand lower oven temperature.The cake is too dry. The oven temperature is toolow.Next time set higher oven temper‐ature.The baking time is too long. Next time set shorter baking time.The cake bakes un‐evenly.The oven temperature is toohigh and the baking time istoo short.Next time set a longer baking timeand lower oven temperature.The cake batter is not even‐ly distributed.Next time spread the cake batterevenly on the baking tray.The cake is not ready inthe baking time speci‐fied in a recipe.The oven temperature is toolow.Next time set a slightly higheroven