11.6 How to remove andinstall: DoorYou can remove the door and theinternal glass panels to clean it. Thenumber of glass panels is different fordifferent models.WARNING!The door is heavy.CAUTION!Carefully handle the glass,especially around the edgesof the front panel. The glasscan break.Step 1 Fully open the door.A AStep 2 Fully press the clampinglevers (A) on the two doorhinges.Step 3 Close the oven door to the first opening position (approximately 70° angle).Hold the door at both sides and pull it away from the oven at an upwards an‐gle. Put the door with the outer side down on a soft cloth on a stable surface.Step 4 Hold the door trim (B) onthe top edge of the door atthe two sides and push in‐wards to release the clipseal.12BStep 5 Pull the door trim to thefront to remove it.Step 6 Hold the door glass panelson their top edge one byone and pull them up out ofthe guide.Step 7 Clean the glass panel withwater and soap. Dry theglass panel carefully. Do notclean the glass panels inthe dishwasher.Step 8 After cleaning, do the abovesteps in the opposite se‐quence.Step 9 Install the smaller panel first, then the larger and the door.Make sure that the glasses are inserted in the correct position otherwise thesurface of the door may overheat.ENGLISH 31