3-8Adaptec RAID Installation Guide4 Start up the system. During startup, press Ctrl+A to startSMOR. Use SMOR to create the RAID. For details, refer toUsing SMOR on page 2-10.5 Insert the Windows NT CD in the drive and restart the system.6 When prompted, press Enter to initiate Setup’s mass storagedetection. Windows NT detects any controllers for which it hasbuilt-in drivers. Once your other hardware is detected, cancelout of any further detection.7 Shut down and restart your system.8 You are prompted to either press S to specify additionalcontrollers or press Enter to continue Windows NT installationwithout specifying additional controllers.Press S to Specify Additional Devices. Select Other, then insertthe driver disk you created in Step 1.9 Select Adaptec I2 O RAID Host Adapter Driver for NT 4.0.10 Press Enter and continue with the installation according to theinstructions in the Windows NT documentation.Upgrading the Controller in an Existing SystemIn this scenario, you are removing a controller from a workingWindows NT 4.0 system and substituting an Adaptec RAIDcontroller.Note: If you have already installed an Adaptec RAIDcontroller in your system and want to change drivers, referto Changing the Driver in an Existing System on page 3-9instead of this procedure.To install the driver1 Create a driver floppy disk using the Adaptec RAID Installation CD.To create the diska Insert the Adaptec RAID Installation CD in your drive.b Boot from the CD. The CD loads a Linux kernel that is usedto manage all of its functions.