3-16Adaptec RAID Installation Guide22 If you system contains multiple Adaptec RAID controllers,repeat Steps 14 through 21 for each controller. The systemshould ask you to reboot when this action is completed.23 The Device Manager should now show an Adaptec I 2 O RAIDHost Adapter in the SCSI and RAID Controllers section.24 Optional: Using a text editor, remove the following entries fromyour config.sys file:device=i2oddl.sysdevice=dptcdrom.sys25 Optional: Using a text editor, remove the mscdex entry fromyour autoexec.bat file. When you complete the installationprocedure, these config.sys and autoexec.bat file entries may nolonger be needed.Adding the Controller to an Existing Windows 95/98/MeSystemIn this scenario, you are adding an Adaptec RAID controller to anexisting Windows 95/98/Me system. To install the driver1 Install and configure your Adaptec RAID controller and harddrives according to the instructions in Chapter 2.2 Start up the system. During startup, press Ctrl+A to startSMOR. Use SMOR to create the RAID. For details, refer toUsing SMOR on page 2-10.3 Restart the system.4 If Windows prompts for a driver to support a PCI card, go toStep 11.