4-7Installing Storage Management Software6 When you are asked to update the autoexec.ncf file, press Enter.The appropriate NLM command lines and search path areadded to autoexec.ncf so that the Storage Manager Pro Server(ASMProServer) is started automatically when you rebootyour computer.The autoexec.ncf file now containssearch add SYS:\Adaptec\SMProasmpsrvr.ncf7 Press Esc to exit when prompted.8 To begin using Storage Manager Pro, restart the server.Alternatively, you can start Storage Manager Pro withoutshutting down the server by typingsearch add sys:\adaptec\SMProasmpsrvr.ncfRed Hat Linux and FreeBSDAs prerequisites for installing Storage Manager Pro, you need to Verify that you have root privileges. Install TCP/IP network support. Install a desktop GUI.To install Storage Manager Pro1 To run setup.bin, change to the appropriate path, either of thefollowing2 Type ./setup.bin.The installer creates symbolic links in /usr/local/bin for theStorage Manager Pro executables.Linux /packages/Linux/RedHat/apps/smpro/FreeBSD /packages/FreeBSD/apps/smpro/