3-28Adaptec RAID Installation Guide4 To run the installpkg utility, type installpkg -d disk/.SCO UNIX reads the disk and prompts you to enter thepackage name to be installed.5 Type dpti4 for Open Desktop 3.x and dpti5 for SCOOpenServer 5.x.6 After the package is installed, rebuild the kernel.7 Restart the system.8 Install the new kernel.9 Add devices to the controller.Adding the Controller to an Existing UnixWare 7 SystemIn this scenario, you are adding an Adaptec RAID controller to anexisting UnixWare 7 system. To install the driver1 Install and configure your Adaptec RAID controller and harddrives according to the instructions in Chapter 2.2 Download the latest I 2 O supplement for UnixWare 7 from theSCO Web site—it should be ptf7066c or higher.3 Uncompress the PTF file you downloaded in Step 2 and movethe file to the /tmp directory.4 Use the pkgadd utility to install the I2O supplement by typing:pkgadd -d /tmp/ptf7066c5 Follow the on-screen prompts to install the SCO UnixWare I2 Osupplement.6 Shutdown and reboot the system.Note: Upon restarting, several warning messages mayappear and scroll off the screen quickly. These will not occurafter diskadd is run and can be ignored.7 Use the diskadd utility to add drives or arrays that are attachedto an Adaptec RAID controller.