3-22Adaptec RAID Installation Guidec Remove the Adaptec RAID Installation CD and the driverfloppy disk.2 Install and configure your Adaptec RAID controller as theprimary controller according to the instructions in Chapter 2.3 Create a directory on the C drive named nwupdate.4 Insert the driver disk you created in Step 1.5 Type copy a:\*.* c:\nwupdate.6 Start the NetWare installation program from the NetWare CD.Select the Custom Installation option.7 On the Server Drivers – Summary menu, highlight Disk andCD-ROM Drivers and press Enter.8 Highlight Select an Additional Driver and press Enter.a Select i2opci.nlm and press Enter.b Enter the slot number.c Highlight Save Parameters and Continue and press Enter.9 When prompted to select an additional driver, select Yes.10 Select bkstrosm.ham and press Enter.a Enter the slot number.b Highlight Save Parameters and Continue. Press Enter.11 When prompted to select an additional driver, select No.12 Highlight Continue Installation and press Enter.13 Select Edit startup.ncf. If needed, edit the file so that i2opci.nlmis listed before bkstrosm.ham in your startup.ncf file.14 Continue with the NetWare 4.2 installation according to theNovell documentation.15 Upgrade your existing NetWare server to the minimum patchlevel specified by Novell.