3-17Installing the Driver5 If Windows did not discover the devices during startup, openthe Device Manager. Look for a PCI card entry in the OtherDevices category. There may be multiple entries if you havemultiple Adaptec RAID controllers installed. There may alsobe an entry for a PCI memory controller.Note: If you are not prompted for a PCI card or memorycontroller driver, open the Device Manager. If the DeviceManager displays PCI Card with a yellow exclamation markin the Other Devices list, you might need a patch for yourmotherboard chipset to recognize multifunction bridgecontrollers. Contact your motherboard vendor and applythe patch. After the patch is installed and the system isrestarted, Windows repeats the device discovery process.Continue the procedure.6 Select PCI Card and then select Update Driver from the Drivertab.7 Insert the driver disk you created earlier (refer to page 3-11)and let Windows search for the drivers.8 Windows should now identify the PCI card as Adaptec I 2ORAID Host Adapter. Select Finish. At this point, you might needto force Windows to copy the driver from the floppy driveinstead of the CD drive.9 When prompted regarding testing the device ROM, clickCancel.10 Open the Device Manager. If the Other Devices category showsa PCI memory controller, select it, click the Driver tab, andselect Update Driver.11 Let Windows search for the drivers from the driver disk youcreated earlier (refer to page 3-11).12 Windows should now identify the PCI memory controller asAdaptec I 2 O Memory Adapter. Select Finish. At this point, youmay need to force Windows to copy the driver from the floppydrive instead of the CD drive.