If you do not move the shift lever forward orrearward, the vehicle will be in sport mode.When you are in the sport mode the vehiclewill still shift automatically. While drivingin sport mode, the transmission may remain ina gear longer than it would in the normaldriving mode based on braking, throttle input,and vehicle lateral acceleration.2. To enter the DSC mode, press the shift leverforward to upshift or rearward to downshift.The odometer on the instrument panel cluster willchange from the mileage to a number indicatingthe requested gear range when moving theshift lever forward or rearward. See Speedometerand Odometer on page 190 for more informationon the odometer.While using the DSC feature, the vehicle will havefirmer shifting and increased performance. Youcan use this for sport driving or when climbing ordescending hills, to stay in gear longer, or todown shift for more power or engine braking.The transmission will only allow you to shift intogears appropriate for the vehicle speed and engineRevolutions Per Minute (RPM). The transmissionwill not automatically shift to the next highergear if the engine RPM is too high.If shifting is prevented for any reason, the currentlyselected gear will flash multiple times, indicatingthat the transmission has not shifted gears.While in the DSC mode, the transmission willautomatically downshift when the vehicle comes toa stop and while quickly applying the acceleratorto increase speed. This will allow for morepower during take-off.When accelerating your vehicle from a stop insnowy and icy conditions, you may want to shiftinto second gear. A higher gear ratio allows you togain more traction on slippery surfaces.121