Programming Universal Home RemoteFollow these steps to program up tothree channels:1. Press and hold down the two outsideUniversal Home Remote buttons, releasingonly when the Universal Home Remoteindicator light begins to flash, after20 seconds. Do not hold down the buttons forlonger than 30 seconds and do not repeatthis step to program a second and/orthird hand-held transmitter to the remainingtwo Universal Home Remote buttons.2. Position the end of your hand-held transmitterabout 1 to 3 inches (3 to 8 cm) away from theUniversal Home Remote buttons whilekeeping the indicator light in view.3. Simultaneously press and hold both thedesired Universal Home Remote buttonand the hand-held transmitter button. Do notrelease the buttons until Step 4 has beencompleted.Some entry gates and garage door openersmay require you to substitute Step 3 withthe procedure noted in “Gate Operator andCanadian Programming” later in this section.4. The indicator light will flash slowly at first andthen rapidly after Universal Home Remotesuccessfully receives the frequency signalfrom the hand-held transmitter. Release bothbuttons.5. Press and hold the newly-trained UniversalHome Remote button and observe theindicator light.If the indicator light stays on continuously,programming is complete and your deviceshould activate when the Universal HomeRemote button is pressed and released.To program the remaining two Universal HomeRemote buttons, begin with Step 2 under“Programming Universal Home Remote.”Do not repeat Step 1 as this will erase all ofthe programmed channels.If the indicator light blinks rapidly fortwo seconds and then turns to a constant light,continue with Steps 6 through 8 following tocomplete the programming of a rolling-codeequipped device, most commonly, a garagedoor opener.148