With the proper preparation and equipment, manyvehicles can be towed in these ways. See“Dinghy Towing” and “Dolly Towing,” following.Here are some important things to consider beforeyou do recreational vehicle towing:• What is the towing capacity of the towingvehicle? Be sure you read the tow vehiclemanufacturer’s recommendations.• How far will you tow? Some vehicles haverestrictions on how far and how long theycan tow.• Do you have the proper towing equipment?See your dealer or trailering professionalfor additional advice and equipmentrecommendations.• Is your vehicle ready to be towed? Just asyou would prepare your vehicle for a longtrip, you’ll want to make sure your vehicle isprepared to be towed. See Before Leaving ona Long Trip on page 312.Dinghy TowingNotice: If you tow your vehicle with all fourwheels on the ground, the drivetraincomponents could be damaged. The repairswould not be covered by your warranty. Do nottow your vehicle with all four wheels on theground.Your vehicle was not designed to be towed withall four wheels on the ground. If your vehicle mustbe towed, you should use a dolly. See “DollyTowing” following for more information.327