NEUTRAL: Use this position when you start oridle your engine. Your shift lever is in NEUTRALwhen it is centered in the shift pattern, not inany gear.REVERSE (R): To back up, press down theclutch pedal, completely stop the vehicle, and shiftinto REVERSE (R). Let up on the clutch pedalslowly while pressing the accelerator pedal.For the CTS, pull the shift lever quickly to the leftand then forward into gear.For the CTS-V, the transmission has a safetyfeature that prevents you from shifting intoREVERSE (R) while the vehicle is driven atspeeds greater than 3 mph (5 km/h). You will belocked out if you try to shift into REVERSE (R)while your vehicle is moving faster than 3 mph(5 km/h). If you have turned your ignition off andwish to park your vehicle in REVERSE (R),you will have to overcome the lockout mechanismby moving the shift lever quickly to the right,and immediately forward into gear using moreforce than a normal shift.Shift Speeds (Manual Transmission){CAUTION:If you skip a gear when you downshift,you could lose control of your vehicle.You could injure yourself or others. Donot shift down more than one gear at atime when you downshift.Notice: If you skip more than one gear whenyou downshift, or if you race the enginewhen you release the clutch pedal whiledownshifting, you could damage the engine,clutch, driveshaft or the transmission. Donot skip gears or race the engine whendownshifting.If the vehicle speed drops below 20 mph(32 km/h), or if the engine is not running smoothly,you should downshift to the next lower gear.You may have to downshift two or more gears tokeep the engine running smoothly or for goodperformance.123