6. Remove the valve cap from the valve stem.Activate the TPMS sensor by increasingor decreasing the tire’s air pressure forfive seconds, or until a horn chirp sounds. Thehorn chirp, which may take up to 30 seconds,confirms that the sensor identification code hasbeen matched to this tire position. To decreasethe tire’s air-pressure use the pointed end ofthe valve cap, a pencil-style air pressure gage,or a key.7. Proceed to the passenger’s side front tire, andrepeat the procedure in Step 6.8. Proceed to the passenger’s side rear tire, andrepeat the procedure in Step 6.9. Proceed to the driver’s side rear tire, andrepeat the procedure in Step 6.10. After hearing the confirming double hornchirp, for the left rear tire, exit the matchingprocess by turning the ignition switch to OFF.11. Set all four tires to the recommendedair pressure level as indicated on the tireand loading information label.12. Put the valve caps back on the valve stems.The TPMS will not function properly, if one ormore of the TPMS sensors are missing orinoperable. If your vehicle has a compact sparetire, the spare tire and wheel assembly doesnot contain a TPMS sensor. If you replace one ofthe road tires with the spare, or if the systemdetects a missing or inoperable sensor, theService Tire Monitor System message will bedisplayed on the DIC. If you have replaced a tireand wheel assembly without transferring theTPMS sensors, the error message will bedisplayed. Once you re-install the TPMS sensors,the message should go off. See your GMdealer for service if all TPMS sensors are installedand the error message comes on and stays on.Have your vehicle serviced as soon as possible.If your vehicle has a message center and thesystem detects a missing or inoperable sensor anerror message of several dashes – – – will beshown on the message center display. If you havereplaced a tire and wheel assembly withouttransferring the TPMS sensors, the error messagewill be displayed. Once you re-install the TPMSsensors, the error message should go off.See your GM dealer for service if all TPMSsensors are installed and the error messagecomes on and stays on.408