Reducing Speed While Using CruiseControlThere are two ways to reduce your speed whileusing cruise control:• Press in the button at the end of the lever untilthe desired lower speed is reached, thenrelease it.• To slow down in very small amounts, brieflypress the set button. Each time you do this,you will go about 1 mph (1.6 km/h) slower.Passing Another Vehicle While UsingCruise ControlUse the accelerator pedal to increase your speed.When you take your foot off the pedal, yourvehicle will slow down to the cruise control speedyou set earlier.Using Cruise Control on HillsHow well your cruise control will work on hillsdepends upon your speed, load, and thesteepness of the hills. When going up steep hills,you may have to step on the accelerator pedalto maintain your speed. When going downhill, youmay have to brake or shift to a lower gear tokeep the speed reduced. Applying the brake orshifting into a lower gear will take you out of cruisecontrol. If you need to apply the brake or shift toa lower gear due to the grade of the downhillslope, you may not want to use the cruise controlfeature.Ending Cruise ControlTo end a cruise control session, step lightly on thebrake pedal. If your vehicle has a manualtransmission, lightly tapping the clutch pedal willalso end a cruise control session.Stepping on the brake or clutch pedal will only endthe current cruise control session. Move thecruise control switch to off to completely turn offthe system.171