How to Reset the Change TransmissionFluid Message and the TransmissionFluid IndicatorAfter the transmission fluid has been changed, theChange Trans Fluid message and the transmissionfluid life indicator must be reset. To reset themessage and indicator, use one of the followingprocedures:Base Audio SystemPress the CLR (Clear) button located to the rightof the Driver Information Center (DIC) displayto acknowledge the CHANGE TRANS FLUIDmessage. This will clear the message from thedisplay and reset it.To reset the transmission fluid life indicator, usethe following steps:1. Press the up or down arrow on the INFO(Information) button located to the right ofthe DIC display to access the DIC menu.2. Once the XXX% TRANS FLUID LIFE menuitem is highlighted, press and hold theCLR button.The percentage will return to 100, and thetransmission fluid life indicator will be reset.3. Repeat the steps if the percentage does notreturn to 100.Navigation SystemIf your vehicle has a navigation system, see yourNavigation System Manual for instructions onhow to acknowledge the Change Trans Fluidmessage and reset the transmission fluidlife indicator.354