LDW Error MessageSERVICE LANE DEPARTURE SYSTEM: Thismessage may appear in the DIC to indicate that LDW isnot working properly. If this message remains on aftercontinued driving, the system needs service. Take thevehicle to your dealer/retailer. See DIC Warnings andMessages on page 3-79 for more information.LANE DEPARTURE SYSTEM UNAVAILABLE: Thismessage may appear in the DIC if LDW does notactivate due to a temporary condition. See DICWarnings and Messages on page 3-79 for moreinformation.OnStar ® SystemOnStar uses several innovative technologies and liveadvisors to provide a wide range of safety, security,information, and convenience services. If the airbagsdeploy, the system is designed to make an automaticcall to OnStar Emergency advisors who can requestemergency services be sent to your location. If the keysare locked in the vehicle, call OnStar at 1-888-4-ONSTARto have a signal sent to unlock the doors. OnStarHands-Free Calling, including 30 trial minutes goodfor 60 days, is available on most vehicles. OnStarTurn-by-Turn Navigation service, with one trial route,is available on most vehicles. Press the OnStar buttonto have an OnStar advisor contact Roadside Service.OnStar service is provided subject to the OnStar Termsand Conditions included in the OnStar Subscriber glovebox literature.Some services such as Remote Door Unlock or StolenVehicle Location Assistance may not be available untilthe owner of the vehicle registers with OnStar. After thefirst prepaid year, contact OnStar to select a monthlyor annual subscription payment plan. If a payment planis not selected, the OnStar system and all services,including airbag notification and emergency services,may be deactivated and no longer available. For moreinformation visit onstar.com (U.S.) or onstar.ca (Canada),or press the OnStar button to speak with an advisor.Not all OnStar services are available on all vehicles.To check if this vehicle is able to provide the servicesdescribed below, or for a full description of OnStarservices and system limitations, see the OnStar Owner’sGuide in the glove box or visit onstar.com (U.S.) oronstar.ca (Canada), contact OnStar at 1-888-4-ONSTAR(1-888-466-7827) or TTY 1-877-248-2080, or press theOnStar button to speak with an OnStar advisor 24 hoursa day, 7 days a week.2-50