Infants and Young ChildrenEveryone in a vehicle needs protection! This includesinfants and all other children. Neither the distancetraveled nor the age and size of the traveler changesthe need, for everyone, to use safety restraints. In fact,the law in every state in the United States and in everyCanadian province says children up to some age mustbe restrained while in a vehicle.{ CAUTION:Children can be seriously injured or strangled if ashoulder belt is wrapped around their neck andthe safety belt continues to tighten. Never leavechildren unattended in a vehicle and never allowchildren to play with the safety belts.Airbags plus lap-shoulder belts offer protection foradults and older children, but not for young childrenand infants. Neither the vehicle’s safety belt systemnor its airbag system is designed for them. Every timeinfants and young children ride in vehicles, theyshould have the protection provided by appropriatechild restraints.Children who are not restrained properly can strikeother people, or can be thrown out of the vehicle.1-31